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Actions available in PmWiki

action=browse the default action if no other action is chosen.
action=edit presents a form allowing the user to edit a page.
action=diff shows page revisions.
action=crypt displays a form into which you may input a password and recieve the encrypted form of that password. The encrypted form is used to set up default edit, read, and admin passwords in local.php.
action=attr is used to set group-level and page-level passwords.
action=search (with no additional data) searches the wiki with no search criteria, thereby displaying a list of all pages in the site.
action=refcount If the refcount.php script has been included from local.php, this action scans all of the wiki pages on the site to count the number of references among pages. The result is a table showing each page name found, the number of pages (other than RecentChanges) with links to that page, the number of RecentChanges pages with links to that page, and the total number of occurrences of the page name. The idea is that one can quickly find "orphaned" pages (pages that have no links to them) and pages containing links to non-existent pages. Note that action=refcount&expand=y will give a more detailed listing with referring pages.
action=source returns the wiki markup source text for a page (used by pmwe)
action=post used to post changes to a wiki page (e.g., from the Edit Page form)
action=postattr used to post attribute changes to a wiki page (e.g., from the attributes form)


action=browse (浏览行为)没的其它行为时的默认行为。
action=edit (编辑行为)提供一个表单让用户来修改一个页面。
action=diff (修正行为)显示页面修正编辑的历史。
action=crypt (密码行为)显示一个表单,允许你输入密码或者看到加密之后的密码。加密的密码通常是在locall.php中设置的默认的读写和管理员密码。
action=attr (属性行为)用来设置一个组级密码或者页面组密码
action=search (查询行为)无附加数据时,查询页面显示的是站点内所有的wiki页面
action=refcount (记数行为)如果refcount.php的脚本文件在local.php中包含过,这个行为将会扫描站点内所有的wiki页面并且计算页面间的引用记数。结果显示在表格中,用来显示每一个被发现的页面及链接到这个页面的页面数,最后改变的页面数目,页面名称总数。这个想法是可以快速的发现"孤立"页面(没有任何页面链接的页面),或者包含不存在链接的页面。注意:action=refcount&expand=y会给出一个引用页面更详细的列表。
action=source (源文件行为)这个行为返回wiki标记的源文件文本
action=post (post行为)用来向一个wiki页面提交更改。(比如,从一个编辑页面的表单中提交的行为)
action=postattr (Post属性行为)用来提交一个wiki页面的属性变化(e.g., from the attributes form)

Trans. By LongWoSion

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页面最后更新于 18 九月, 2003, 时间 17:04

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