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The pages on this site are WikiWikiWeb pages, which means that pages can be created and edited by multiple authors. To edit a page, simply click on the Edit Page link that exists somewhere on the page (usually in the header or footer somewhere). Some pages may be password-protected, depending on how others have configured the security on the system, but many WikiWikiWeb systems allow open editing of all pages.

本站点用的都是WikiWikiWeb页,可以被多个人创建和编辑。要想编辑页面,只需轻轻的点击链接“Edit Page(编辑页面)”(一般位于页脚或页眉)。有的页面可能设置了密码保护(password-protected),这取决于对系统的安全设置,但是,多数WikiWikiWeb允许开放式的修改页面。

The rules for basic page editing are fairly simple--start each line without spaces and put a blank line between paragraphs. Four or more hyphens at the beginning of a line produces a horizontal line on the page. Asterisks at the beginning of lines produce bullet lists. There are more TextFormattingRules for lists and other specialized text, if you want to do that.

编辑页面的规则相当简单--不要以空格做行首(否则系统将不自动换行),用空行分隔段落。要想画一条直 线,只须在行首打四个或多于四个"-"(hyphen)。制作列表,只须在行首打"*"(asterisk)。进一步学习编辑规则,请到TextFormattingRules

If you want to experiment with editing a page, try the WikiSandbox. You can edit the WikiSandbox without affecting anything important on this site.


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页面最后更新于 10 九月, 2003, 时间 23:10

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