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In order to delete a page you have to change the contents of the page to be the word "delete", with no spaces or extra newlines. This will "delete" the page from the site. The page itself is not actually deleted, however--it's still on disk. Only the WikiAdministrator can physically delete them (see FilesAndDirectories).

要删除页面, 你要把要删除的页面内容改为 delete, 不要有多余的空格和新行. 那就会删除那个页面了, 但那不是真正的删除--它还在磁盘上. 只有 WikiAdministrator 才可以把磁盘上的页面删除掉 (see FilesAndDirectories).

Note that often it's not a good idea to delete a page, however, as others may have created bookmarks or links to the page. Instead of deleting the page, consider providing a link to the new location of the information, or an explanation of why the page no longer exists.

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