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To place an image inside a wiki page, simply enter the address (URL) of the image you want to include. For example, the URL http://www.pmichaud.com/toast/ptart-1c.gif displays in the text as

在一个wiki的页面中放置一个图片,只需要简单的输入你希望包括的图片地址即可(URL).举个例子,链接地址URL http://www.pmichaud.com/toast/ptart-1c.gif 将会显示成下面的样子:

All URLs ending in .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png are automatically treated as image placeholders in PmWiki. The position of the image URL in a line determines how it will display in the page:

所在以.gif, .jpg, .jpeg,和 .png 结尾的URLs都会被PmWiki自动的认为是图像标识符。图像的URL在一行中的位置决定怎么样去显示图像: The special markup [[<<]] can be used to tell PmWiki to skip to a point below any floating images.


Images must be stored on a webserver somewhere in order to be displayed in PmWiki. If the system has been configured to enable uploads, then you can upload an image as a page attachment and include it using the Attach: markup. Otherwise, HowToUploadImages? describes the process of uploading images to a webserver.

PmWiki中需要显示的图像文件必需存储在一个网络的服务器上。如果系统设置成了允许上传,你就可以把一图片上传成为一个页面的附件,使用 Attach:这个标签。否则的话, 如何上传图像?会教会你上传图像文件到网络服务器。

Images may be specified as the target of a link using the double brackets markup by specifying an image URL as the text for a link (see LinksToExternalPages). For example, the image to the right of this paragraph is a link to the Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches page.

使用双方括号把图象的URL作为链接文本则可以使图像文件指向一个链接目标,详细说明见LinksToExternalPages.举个例子:在这个段的右这的图像会链接到Strawberry Pop-Tart Blow-Torches的页面.

Trans. By LongWoSion

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