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Uninstalling PmWiki

Most of the files created and/or used by PmWiki can be deleted by the account holder outright. However, a certain system file, created when the wiki.d directory is created, cannot be removed this way. To remove wiki.d, create a PHP file containing the following line:

<?php system ('/bin/rm -rf wiki.d') ?>

Place the file in your PmWiki directory and call it up in your browser. No output will be produced, but the wiki.d directory and all of the pages within it will be gone. *Forever*. So, make sure you want to do this before you try.

Once this has been completed, the account holder should be able to delete the PmWiki directory with no further complaints from the server.

卸载 PmWiki

大多数由PmWiki创建和使用的文件可以由帐户的所有者直接删除。 但是,在创建wiki.d文件夹时创建的某一个系统文件不能用这种方法删除。为了删除wiki.d文件夹,建立一个包含如下内容的PHP 文件:

<?php system ('/bin/rm -rf wiki.d') ?>


Trans. By LongWoSion

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